The desire to live, work, marry and mingle with one's own kind: A nearly-universal desire and virtual law of nature, often expressed as 'Birds of a feather flock together', and denied only by liberals who live and work in areas much too expensive to have any more than a token number of minorities.
Racism is so ingrained and universal that it is reflected not once but twice in our language: The word kind (type) and kind (nice) have the same origin, as does the word like (similar) and like (appreciate), from which we infer that we like those whom we are like, and we are kind to those of our own kind.

-John "The Birdman" Bryant
by heavyd123 February 16, 2008
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Something no one understands the actual meaning of anymore. People, of all races, tend to cry racist anytime any sensitive issue involving race is mentioned nowadays.
Racism is the act of discriminating against a person or group of peoples based solely on their perceived racial identities, such as "The restaurant had a sign that clearly read 'No Mexicans'"

It is NOT when someone says "hey, that only happened because you're white/black/mexican/whatever".
by kiptastic April 1, 2012
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An excuse for people to be offended by every comment somebody could possibly make. The two autobots, Skids and Mudflap, from the second Transformers movie, for example, are not racist charicatures. There DO in fact exist people who really act like that in real life, but saying so would be racist to idiots who want to be politically correct. You can't say the word "black" without being racist. You can't even mention the fact that somebody is black without being racist. In short: It's total bullshit.
Good person: So anyway, I was talking to this black guy yesterday...
Idiot: Why did you have to mention that he's black? Are you a racist? By the way, the correct terminology is 'African-American.'
Good person: First off, I never said I was superior to him, so saying he's black is not racism. Second, he lives in Africa and is not a US citizen, so 'African-American' is not the correct terminology. So fuck you.
by The only sane man August 12, 2009
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When I tried to put a positive definition of white people on this website, and it was rejected due to "racism" even though there are several definitions claiming white people to be violent, ugly, and have no positive qualities.
Random racist of color: "It's only racism when white people do it."

society: black power = YES

red power =YES

yellow power = yes

white power = RACIST!!!
by get your shit together May 31, 2015
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Discrimination based on race or colour (a.k.a complete and utter ignorance)
Why have so many people given these racism definitions thumbs down?
by Curlbacca July 4, 2006
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Contrary to popular belief, this is a concept not based on hate, but rather on treatment and assumption. True racism is a persons preferential OR hateful treatment of someone who has more or less skin pigmentation than said person, regardless of which person is darker or lighter. This is the real, non-urban definition of the word.

Religion does not factor in. Ever. That is religious intolerance or religious discrimination. Not Racism.

Sadly, preferential treatment due to skin color has become known as 'white condescention' an inherently racist term as it implies that only caucasians engage racially condescending behavior.

Racists forget that 'assumption' cannot be spelled without 'ass'.

A word of advice: Try not to get into an argument with an imbecile. Bystanders probably won't be able to tell you apart.
Rosa Parks' arrest as a result of her choosing to sit at the front of a bus rather than the back, a stipulation applied by a racist governmental system.

Also, the 180 degree turn that said system has taken in forcing employers to hire based on pigment rather than qualification is racism at work.

The assumption that everyone who wears a turban runs a 7-eleven is racist, as are the phrases 'I love (insert color here) people!', and 'reverse racism'.
by Kailen Montresor April 26, 2006
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