real world trading.

which is in fact one of the reasons runescape died.
Jagex : because of so many rwt users we have been forced to destroy pking, stop drop trading, and impose a 3k trade limit.

35% of runescape users : i quit!
by kirbydiss September 27, 2008
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This is my roll weed time (RWT) - Big Sean
by SantaClawZ November 21, 2012
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Right When Tested - Term used by engineers to describe the outcome of testing something and not finding anything wrong.

When ringing back to base after testing a telephone line. "Yes that one is RWT"
by Slimeburger September 28, 2007
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OMG have you seen Cat Marnell lately, she is so RWT!
by Rarley August 9, 2012
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It's an abbreviation of a white girl who have a round and tight ass.
If you see a nice white ass, you can say:

- Hey, look at her ass!
- RWT!
by Marc.A October 3, 2007
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