City where kids start vaping and smoking at the age of 12

Pontiac where everyone says "doo" "who's at the mall?" who's at Oasis?" "bet"

Where every girl at the age of 11 starts doing their eyebrows and makeup

City where every gay girl has red hair

Where the drama turns into a fight

Where everyone is considered a hoe or fboy and talk crap about each other
"Hey you going to Pontiac this weekend i'm trying to get a ride for the party"
by Heygirllll12444 March 27, 2019
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Poor ol' nigga thinks its a cadilac
U see a nigga drivn in a pontiac
by Trystian March 29, 2008
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That GRP ripped that caddilac off the block, damn did u see that shit fly.
by V November 26, 2003
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Poor old nigger thinks its a cadilac.
The Poor old man thought the pontiac was a Cadilac.
by HELLS AS5ASSIN6 March 4, 2009
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'Poor ol guinea wishes he could afford a car'
Hey, look at that kids..The guy who couldnt even afford a 1974 used gremlin was found on urban dictionary putting down pontiacs, even though he could never afford to buy or drive one. HA

No wonder youre out of work and have no money, you must spend all your free time on urban dictionary hating.
by rca3 September 24, 2006
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p- poor
o- old
n- nigger
t- thinks
i- it's
a - a
c- caddilac
man that nigga thinks that crappy pontiac is a nice caddy
by ginsy May 5, 2008
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