(Mexico) A person who tries exaggeratedly to demonstrate that he/she is really good at something, but when sometimes the reality is that he/she is not at all.
- ¿Ves a ese tipo vestido como cholo ?
- Sí, anda de pitero.

- Do you see that cholo dressed boy?
- Yes, he's a pitero.


-¡Yo sé hacer eso!
-No es cierto, tu hermano me lo dijo. No andes de pitero.


-I know how to do that!
-Not true, your brother told me! Don't be a pitero.
by Kratos A. September 6, 2011
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Guy 1: Man, I met a pitero yesterday
Guy 2: nice
by 1000Bucks May 7, 2021
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Similar to Achiles ankle. It is his weakness. Just press it and he dies of pressed nose disease. Which make no mistake is a very serious disease.
Guy 1: I had enough of this pitero! I pressed pitero's nose!
Guy 2: He really must have deserved it
by 1000Bucks May 7, 2021
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