To be screwed over by life, without any warning or chance to escape. Covers a wide variety of siutations.
Ed: I picked up a girl on friday night, went back to her place and then she showed me her wiener.
Jon: You were PTF'd
by foug March 24, 2003
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Person 1: So I ate my mom’s pet chinchilla

Person 2: PTF
by Unknown Chonky Lad January 4, 2021
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Project Task Force

Bunch of dudes who totally kicked arse in a project. And OWN, generally in life.
Eg. Like 3 people who worked an E-commerce project, and formed a bond and a hashtag for life #PTF
by MorganFreeman666 December 3, 2013
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A software fix for the IBM iSeries family of midrange servers.
I downloaded a PTF to fix my database problem.
by Kurt Schroeder February 16, 2005
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Pudgy Titty Fucker....... A Pudgy Titty Fucker is someone who has a short fat penis that uses it to titty fuck a chick.
i went home with this really tall sexy guy last night and he went to titty fuck me and he had the shortest and fattest dick i have every seen, that was so serouies PTF there
by Miss Gross October 19, 2010
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Potential To Frat.

When a person, place, or thing shows potential to be frat-worthy.
Bro #1: "That pledge just did a minute long keg stand!"
Bro #2: "Bro, he's got PTF."
by Bitches_Upotheke September 25, 2011
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