To commit an anti american liberal extremist non democratic action.
Wow, it's tottaly Obama that people won't say the pledge of allegiance in school.

+All those hippies protesting on wall street are so Obama. Why don't they just spend that time looking for a job?
- Cause they're so Obama that they believe they're entitled to just do nothing, make no investments, and just live off the people tax dollars.

It's so Obama that they government doesn't believe i should have the right to decide what light bulbs to buy.

It's Obama to think it makes sense to spend more money than our government has. That way of Obama thinking is why our country is in debs
by Star Destroyer 2 November 7, 2011
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To spend and never know how it will be payed for - to obama.
I'm going to the mall to obama this credit card which I just got in the mail.
by Man78787 March 3, 2010
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Another name for the devalued U.S. dollar.
Can you believe it cost me six Obamas for a gallon of gas?" or, "I remember back in 2012 when a load of bread was only eight Obamas; now it costs me 20 Obamas and all I got this year was a lousy 50-Obama raise!
by Colony14 April 30, 2011
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A liar, deceiver, montebank, someone who tries to fool all the people all the time.
The motherfucker begs me to believe he didn't fuck someone up the ass when I can clearly see the shit stains on his dick. He's such an Obama.
by Mrs. Bill Clinton June 27, 2011
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A dude who won the elections cause he's black ._. & Because he has no experience.? Im starting to think WE'RE craziier then he is for VOTING FOR HIM <- in the first place. Annd he also won because SINCE YUR FRIENDS ARE VOTING FOR HIM . YOU DONT WANT TO STAND OUT. CAUSE THEN THEIR GONA BETCH AT YU LIKE NO TOMORROW. SO YU SAYY '' OBAMA!! '' WELL GUESS WHAT? A VOTE FOR OBAMA IS A VOTE FOR BALD GUYS! WE WANT HAIR! WE WANT HAIR! NOW TELL ME AMERICA! Half of the people are voting for him cause he's black . I THOUGHT WE'RE SUPPOSE TO STOP RACISM . NOT SUPPORT IT ._.! We're already racist when it comes to bathrooms.


well hunny if yu dun wanna piss yurself yu better go in there. xD !

I'm Danii n_n And iApprove this message. And if yur taking this shet seriouslii then go skrew yurself (:
Q: ''So who yu voted for?''

A: '' Obamaa! ''

._. Do yu noe wuht that means?

by Queen of all fruits July 10, 2009
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Old Kenyan word meaning "crap."
Obama has been nothing but a fresh pile of manure dumped on the USA. In spite of all of the attempts to flush the stinky, corrupt pile of waste product, he still smells up the place.
I vote for Obama and America got exactly that, a real pile of crap.
by FGSLTW May 28, 2015
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