An from old Norse "hnøgger", which means "miserly", "stingy". Despite its similarity to the offensive term "nigger", the two words are not related in any way. Stop jumping to conclusions and open the dictionary.
English buff- "Boy that gentleman at the picnic sure was niggardly."

Ignoramus- "You said "picnic" and "niggerly"! Racist!"

English Buff- "*Sigh*! "Picnic" is from a French word that refers to what we'd call a pot luck, and "niggardly" is from an old Norse word that means "stingy". They have nothing to do with race!"

Ignoramus- "Racist!"

English Buff- "*Sigh*..."
by Lorelili September 21, 2007
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You're so niggardly when it comes to buying expensive art.
by Chandlers' friend Lexy January 28, 2005
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Word that will get you beat up, even though there's no racial meaning.
I told a stingy and miserly African-American co-worker who refuses to donate to charity that he shouldn't be so niggardly and then he beat me up because he was too ignorant to know the meaning of the word.
by Orange County California February 2, 2015
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When someone is so completely ignorant that they feel they do not have to contribute to anything that benefits themselves, this may be financially, time, or any other means of contribution. commonly used to mean cheap
Marco Ranzi is niggardly when it comes to purchasing groceries for the apartment, even though he eats all his roommates food.
by Honest but True October 8, 2010
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iphone mis-spell of 'nigga'
trying to text a homie....

yo nigga

iphone fixes it to..

yo niggardly
by lolzreet July 28, 2010
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When trying to type "nigga" on a cell phone, the cell phone's spell-check will usually change it to niggardly, therefore you end up with a confusing text message.
1 Yo where you at nigga?
**Spell check changes word to niggardly**
*Before you can realize, you press send*

Second person receives text saying; "Yo where you at niggardly?"

Communication is hindered.
by Real Name No Gimmicks November 7, 2010
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of or pertaining to the actions similar of a nigga
Eating a bucket of KFC chicken then washing it down with some Kool Aid is a very niggardly thing for you to do
by jpnu April 22, 2011
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