No sausage for Walter. Used to tell when Walter wants sausage but it is before dinner.
Sorry Walter but NSFW.
by LilPumper672 December 27, 2017
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Your response to the asshat at work who threatens to report you to management simply because you're watching the Asian girl on girl classic "Enter the Tongue" on your work computer during office hours.

Asshat: "Pornography is never allowed here. I must inform Mr. Williams."

You: "NSFW! Not so fast Wanker," as you close the office door and reach for the stapler.
by Mr. Doses February 6, 2019
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Not Safe For Work, used to refer to documents that would probably get you fired if you were looking at them on worktime. Usually R rated or higher.
Warning: This icture is NSFW.
by TweedyChic May 13, 2005
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your chances of being killed by wisconsin are low, but never zero
by gauxapen April 5, 2021
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Not Safe For Work - internet slang, abbreviation usually used to describe sexually explicit content. (NSFW)
by Atlis June 22, 2010
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