Mcdub is dub that is too thick, means fat sac of weed.
That dub was thick that dub was thick as hell like a mcdub.
by Clay Hembree Rob Mnoser March 27, 2009
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A small town in Pennsylvania noted for its lack of anything to do.
Bob: "Come on man, let's go to Pittsburgh."
Tom: "Sure, McDub is so boring.
by Chilly C March 8, 2009
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Nadia: Jona not answering me but he’s seeing my calls
Serena: he’s a Mcdubbbb!
by Kingserenaaa July 30, 2019
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A different name for McDonald's to make it so you dont seem like a fool for saying McDonald's.
Yeah dude lets go hit up McDubs, I hungry.
by kingshagman July 23, 2011
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