I totally saw Shaniqua working at McDonalds, she's such a McNigget.
by Michaaael May 26, 2008
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when you take a shit in a box of McDonalds McNuggets and serve it to a customer who was being a cunt
Hey Jerry, I just gave that nasty bitch a box of McNiggets can you smell them
by JakeFromHighschool June 27, 2018
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A variation of the Chicken McNugget but instead you fry the nuggets in the fryer for several more hours than you usually do causing them to turn negro.
Black people enjoy a McNiggets meal at McNiggers cause McDonald's is too white for them to handle.
by Fuck Black People August 8, 2009
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black person+chicken nuggets= mcnigget. black fried goodness.
yo faydawg did yous get somes dem mcniggets?
by skrar September 2, 2008
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term of endearment for someone you know well, but has done something poorly.
Steve: Sorry I'm so bad at basketball.
John: It's cool mcnigget.
by callmesock October 5, 2010
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