Huge Nostrils, such as those exhibited on the horrifying grills of Dionne Warwick and Patrick Ewing.
"Chuck Wagon went up for a relatively easy layup, but the ball ended up in Ewings monstrous manhole covers as he defended the rim."
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noun: A Butt Plug owned by a man.
Like a diamond in the rough, Larry uncovered Ed's bejeweled Manhole Cover.
by SteveHeaves December 23, 2020
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I'm wearing a manhole cover today so you can't eat me.
by In Need June 9, 2003
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What should be given to every heterosexual male before being incarcerated.
When Jim Bob dropped the soap in the shower he did not have to worry because he was wearing his manhole cover.
by Jack December 30, 2004
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i urgently wanted to mount her, so I slipped her manhole cover to the side and pierced her lips rather than waste time peeling off her underpants
by John R. December 9, 2003
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Steve is down with the Rainbow, so he never leaves home without his manhole covers.
by Shawnster April 29, 2005
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Burying the face of your unfortunate female companion deep into the nether regions of your bung.
"She was all lame on the tip and wouldn't get on the nuts, so I grabbed her by the ears and gave her a manhole cover."
by delta1020 October 3, 2008
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