Your basic Gryffinwhore dresses provocatively, is very loud and above all bold. They have many friends ;) and do not shy away from attention. When they see someone they like they go for it, not worrying about what consequences it might have. They are the daring ones who have tried all crazy and new things and try to involve everyone in it.
Gryffinwhore: "In the act of love you have to be brave, but being sexy also helps ;)."
by personalitywizard November 16, 2018
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One of the Gryffindor house or fan of the Gryffindor house who is unliked. Commonly called so by Hufflepuffs, also known as the Hufflesluts.
Hufflepuff: Shut up you Gryffinwhore!

Gryffindor: Whatever Huffleslut!
by Hufflesluttrick February 18, 2011
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