"Who's that person who's ruining our country? What? Oh yeah, George W. Bush."
by G-fricker February 6, 2008
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The man who would be known as the worst president every but, more importantly is no longer the president
Dude: "God I hate George W. Bush! He's soooooo Stupid!!!"
Me: "Shut the hell up, we established this while he was in office, you might as well continue to harass Bill Clinton for getting head!"
by Homgen4 January 28, 2009
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The worst thing to happen to America since the outbreak of AIDS.
Do not vote for George W. Bush!
by BigLJ March 21, 2007
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to refuse to pull out, especially during sex. This word is a reference to president George W. Bush's unwillingness to pull out of the War on Iraq.
Brady:So how was the sex with that fine bitch last night?
DeVane:Well, it was good for me, but she said I might as well call it quits for the night, but i said hell no, and I George W. Bushed that bitch!
Brady: Damn, if I ever see a pussy in real life, maybe I'll be able to do try that!
by Brad Les July 11, 2008
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George W. Bush is a TWAT and why the FUCK does he have a random fuckin W in the middle of his name. twat
by Chaosism May 19, 2009
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n.- An utter and complete waste of trace elements. An inspiration for common criminals with political aspirations. A life-sized love doll for big oil and other corporate concerns.
"I wish I could simply wave a magic wand and lower gas prices tomorrow." --- George W. Bush, April 20, 2005
by jurassicpork April 4, 2008
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A guy that made me feel smart for the first time in my life. The stupidest, most imcompetent president ever, and proof that in this country, ANYONE can run for office. This dumbass only made it into Yale because his daddy had a lot of money, and barely graduated after getting straight C's and even D's at the college. He stole the 2000 election from Gore by excluding over 2000 votes in Florida. He chose to continue reading My Pet Goat after hearing of the 9/11 attacks. He abandoned the National Guard. He has started a war in a country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, and is responsible for the death of over 2000 troops. He made a poor educational system called "No Child Left Behind" which only helps rich, white kids in school. He passed the Patriot Act which violated six amendments on the Constitution. And, in his speeches, he says clever things like this:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004

The list goes on and on. George W. Bush is an embarrassment to the US, and the western world in general.
George W. Bush is a fool. Plain and simple.
by Death Shredder June 27, 2007
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