when you cum on yo bitch's tits
I was doin her hard, and when I was finished I free willied all over her sexy chest.
by disneysucks June 2, 2006
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Something you say when you see a whale.
Whooo free willie!!!
by isla September 2, 2004
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Participating in an action with your junk exposed.
Yo broski, I'm playin' free willie, yo.
Can you believe Joe came to school free willie yesterday?
by Synchronize February 23, 2011
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Another way of saying going commando (for a male). Willy means dick. Your dick and balls are freely hanging when you go commando.
My favorite way to jog or do jumping jacks is while I'm Free Willy.
by M_Dubz152 June 9, 2023
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When your smoking a bong and start to take a hit but end up coughing down into the chamber causing water to shoot out the stem, like a whale shooting water out of its blowhole
Douglas tried taking a huge bong rip but just ended up free willying
by SaltySB October 11, 2011
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