A movie that has no real depth or replay value, but is fun to watch at the time.
Silly Moviegoer: I can't believe Avatar didn't win Best Picture!

Intelligent Moviegoer: Lies. Avatar was just a Junk Food Movie. District 9 (or whatever meaningful movie you care to insert) should have won.
by Gentlementlegen March 16, 2010
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Hey Shlomo, since everything else is closed, why dont we get some chinese food and see a movie?

Sure Morty! I love Chinese Food and Movie day!
by ss1212 December 25, 2008
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A Movie that is good to watch while eating a meal or snack.
Yo The Hangover is such a good Food Movie, man! Lets order some zaa and watch it!
by LRockizzle June 27, 2010
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