v. The act of sexting or phone sex over Facebook chat
1: Hey Betty! Guess who I was Facebook fucking yesterday?
2: idk! Was it Evan?

1: omg! Yeah!
2: oh boo, you whore.
by Sassafras.Honeybadger January 5, 2012
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When you go to people's facebook sites, click on the view more photos option, and jack it to the photos you see there.
Man, that girl may have rejected me at the party last night, but I facebook fucked her when I got home!!
by Slamjanders May 23, 2006
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When Facebook decides that you don't REALLY need to Facebook Chat with your friends and logs you off. Or when Facebook decides that you don't REALLY need to message your friends and won't load the message screen. Ect.
Dude, I was trying to message Dan this funny quote I found but I was totally Facebook Fucked
by SarahMichelle August 11, 2008
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When a person changes the state of a person's Facebook profile when left logged in. Usually consists of changing he victim's sexual orientation, picture, and interests to include various unspeakable acts. See Also: Facebook Fucker
"Man, He left his profile logged in. He's due for a good ol' Facebook Fuck. Let's check Google Images for pictures of gay guys to post on there."
by PeteJolly October 31, 2006
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Excessive wall-to-wall conversations with your boyfriend/girlfriend or excessively posting statuses that are about them.
Dude, John and Raina are so annoying they fill my newsfeed with all their facebook fucking
by jshk5 May 1, 2010
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A smothering of fb posts showing the entire digitial community you would like to screw someone without actually have contact with them in the physical world.
-he posted on my wall 7 times in 2 days!
-yeah he's facebook fucking you.
by eljugarsupremeo June 21, 2010
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