When you have to hold on to the grass to keep from falling off the earth.
arrrrrrggggg! (like a pirate but in more pain)
by REV. Smitty February 25, 2005
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There are several stages of drunkness.

1. Happy- The only reason you feel anything at all is because you're glad that you're beginning your alcohol binge.

2. Tipsy- Your first shot has taken effect. You feel as though you may "tip" over.

3. Buzzed- A slight pressure inside your head. You feel as though you can walk up to anyone in the bar and take them home tonight.

4. Drunk (aka sloshed)- Your limbs have stopped working the way you want them to. Speech slurred. You may also feel a sloshing feeling from the alcohol contents in your stomach.

5. Hammered- You're sitting on the floor of the club wondering how you got there. By now, the pressure in your head has elevated to a hammering feeling.

6. All fucked up- You have reached the trifecta of alcohol consumption! To reach this state, you probably have mixed your beers, wines, and liquors. Congratulations!

7. So drunk you act sober again- Rinse and repeat.
Liz and Kari on the Fourth of July, sneaking rum inside their diet cokes while the kids were in the pool, were drunk.
by KizNousa July 9, 2010
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A word defining a person who has had too much alcohol. See also: hammered, sloshed, shit-faced, tanked, blitzed, bombed, wrecked, three sheets to the wind, drunkened, loose, tipsy, defcon 1, well-done, trashed, jagged up, Irish, canned, smashed, fucked-up, intoxicated, inebriated, aniahalated, laced, (etc.)
Every weekend, Dan gets (insert word here), and pisses people off.
by Stiffy Stifferson May 9, 2003
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Chemically incovienenced
"i'm not drunk i'm chemically incovienieced and your bestest friend in the whole world ever"
by Rex Mundi January 28, 2004
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A sublime way of existing in a world full of idiots.
If I wasn't so drunk you would look stupid dancing to that house music shit!
by Johny Rebel May 17, 2003
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Girlfriend: Why were you texting Jen!
Boyfirend: I was drunk
by Rebecca E. Adams December 20, 2009
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