A guy with his own sense of style, an agenda, and possibly plans to take over the world. He can be moody, and reveal he has an intelligent side. He has always been there for his friends and can make you smile when no one else can (often involves clever inside jokes). Overall, he's the best friend you can't help but fall in love with.
Person: "Drew really brightens my day. i'm going to call him sunshine."
Drew: "don't you dare"
by 123554321154535251545321 February 17, 2019
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That topical asshole who does nothing but steal your girlfriend and makes fun of you.
by Indi1103 October 12, 2017
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A dumb annoying guy who is obsessed with girls out of his league. He is actually very smart but doesn't do anything about it. He knows his music but shoves is opinions in peoples face and thinks hes always right. He has no friends and thinks hes cool because he hangs out with people older than him.
person 1: ugh this person is annoying, i hate him.
person 2: who drew?
person 1: yes!
by abcdef4 May 28, 2011
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Drew Pronunciation Key Pronunciation Dru/Droo

1. Drunken Person of Semantic Descent/DR-unken j-EW
2. A friend and or acquaintance that refuses to buy a
round of alcoholic beverages even though it is clearly
and unabashedly their turn.
3. Tightfisted or Scrooge like Drinking Partner
Your round dude, I bought the shots and the pitcher, Don't be a such a Drew.
by The Seeker January 17, 2008
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Drew, Wall is a known woman beater and paedophile, people look in disgust as they see him with his 13 year old girlfriends
ew look at him what a fucking drew
by bigdickquigz June 19, 2019
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A mushrooom dick looking head ass

blue gum dumdum drumdrumgoldilocks looking nigga
Likes to suck dick
You're such a Drew
by dickkkkklicker October 28, 2017
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