The opposite of Do not want. Primarily used online, possibly stemming simultaneously from LOLcats. Occasionally written as two separate sentences for emphasis.
by svnt May 23, 2008
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Used to indicate that one does not want to see, hear, know, or have anything to do with something. Used for comic effect.

Originates from an alleged, bad English-to-Chinese-to-English translation of Star Wars Episode III. In the end, Darth Vader's infamous "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" is subtitled "DO NOT WANT!"
"Check it out guys, naked photos of Donald Rumsfeld!"

by nrrork May 5, 2006
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Catchphrase popularized on 4Chan, which spread to other various forums online, signifies that the content of a thread isn't desired or liked that much

Acquired from a bootleg camcorder Hong Kong subtitling of the Chinese dub of Star Wars Episode III, in which Darth Vader's howl of 'NOOOOOO!' scream is translated to Chinese and then back to English as 'Do not want'
Dudethecameraguy: so what did you guys think of the rar i attached with my collection of rescue rangers scat guro

Setzergabbiani: DO NOT WANT
by Ratix July 2, 2006
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This is the phrase originally intended for Darth Vader to shout at the end of Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. However, shortly before the film's release Lucas decided that a snappier, more effective phrase could be used, such as "NO!"
Lucas: (cough)
by Brian Damage August 30, 2005
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I really do. During my sleep and forget all of this. It’s not wealth that I envy; it is permanent tranquility and peace is what I want. Wealth is only a second best option.
I really do want to die, says I. After 24 years of getting nowhere, I’m becoming tired of chasing a mirage so-called a light at the end of this endless tunnel.
by Sadafboi January 23, 2022
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the sassier/classier form of the popular phrase "fuck off"

can be used anytime someone around you needs to be taken down a peg due to aggressive or hostile behavior or inappropriate/unwarranted sass

you can exponentially increase the sassiness of this phrase by using it against someone in their own home
Friend A: "Man it must suck to be as ugly as you."

Friend B: "Hey Carl. Do you want to die."
by MarinIsExtra March 30, 2017
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When someone tells you something that you don't care two fucks about.
Dawson: It's 9:15
Sarah: Okay, do you want a cookie?
by daring101 March 15, 2016
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