Closing a browser window and spawning pop ups is a bux.
by brooke brooks August 5, 2008
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To take a coffee break with friends or colleagues at coffeehouse chain Starbucks. The company's stock symbol is SBUX.
Hey, are we buxxing today at 11 a.m.?
by lexstatik February 4, 2009
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The act of going to Starbucks, more specifically purchasing some type of coffee'd drink from said store (verb).
Kelly- "You going to Bux it up today at 4?"
Haley- "Girl you know I've already bux'd twice today, but seeing as it's nearly impossible to bux too much, I'd be down with spending my bucks on a third bux.
by Insub08 October 22, 2010
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Hey Milo, want 2 hit up *bux after lunch?
by CoreMega September 3, 2009
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Its just straight up buxing crunx, girls willl never know the answer but all the guys secretly know. Bucks crunx at parties bucks crunks at someones house; bucks crunks anywhere its a lifestyle
Ram: Yo you tryna bux crunx?
Justin: Idk Ill see what happens dude
by BicBoii July 1, 2012
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A website that gives away prizes things "for free" - You need to complete one "sponsored offer" that and refer "friends" to do the same. In other words, it is not 100% "free" but it is a cheap way to get xboxs and other electronics.
I got a free iPod Nano from V-Bux. This site rocks.

V-Bux sent me a free Dell Inspiron laptop. To get it, I subscribed to Playboy and had four of my friends do the same thing
by Plato889 August 1, 2008
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