A chocolately surprise (;
Cyto: Oh god Dem, give me the Brown Cow~ 😻
Dem: Here you go, Madame.
by Mommy Ox August 8, 2020
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Where chocolate milk comes from.
Look at all those brown cows! I guess the farmer must sell chocolate milk.
by Jimmis June 25, 2009
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The mixing of Pepsi and milk, to create a fizzy, milky treat. Both words are usually elongated and pronounced in a promiscuous nature.
"Dude, what the hell is that you're drinking?"
"It's called a Brown Cow."
by davidistheman July 22, 2009
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the act of shitting on a person's chest and/ or face and "moo" like a cow
Paula: "What's a 'Brown Cow'?"

Dean: *pfft* "MOO!"
by JKitsLUCAS March 31, 2011
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When you perform anal oral and you notice you have a chocolate milk tongue afterwards.
OMG, like last night, I was putting my toungue into my girl friend butt and like afterwards, my toungue was brown, ewwww I had a brown cow.
by Frank Mancuso October 26, 2005
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The semen from a man that comes out of a women's vagina after sex, when she has been off her period for a few days.
by kimbopotamuz April 8, 2010
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