Captain Boner’s signature move; this involves the unrelenting floppage of one’s missile until complete extermination is achieved. To ‘Bonerise’ is an act so undeniably ruthless that looking directly at the warhead will reverse your sexuality...twice. Captain Boner’s only weakness is the scent of Estrogen.
by Someone with something to say November 20, 2013
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Flirting in a strong manner; Flirting with the opposite sex near other friends. Used to sound sinister and make the person feel guilty.
Stop bonerising Nicholas!

Hey nick, why don't you go bonerise with mitch?
by daws April 11, 2005
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To purposefully or otherwise give a man an erection.
I was just talking to the bloke but it turns out I accidentally bonerised him.
by rawcusfawcus October 14, 2014
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