You are bogging.
That shirt is bogging.
by benji April 2, 2003
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smelly, rotten, horrible etc. Derived from "bog", slang word for toilet
The place was bogging.
This food is bogging.
by johnny September 15, 2003
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when smoke from a gravity bong escapes from the bottom of the bottle and sits atop the bong water.
Bro i brewed you a wicked nice Gee, this shit is bogging.
by justin blaze October 25, 2011
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a word that is used by a person that has no clue of australian culture. The term is gennerally used by asians who are unsure about the australian work bogan.
jack: your so bogging
bryan: dude its bogan
by aussieboy1 October 25, 2010
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Something that is failing.

To strugle with a task.

For something to wreck or on the verge of wrecking.
"Man this team is bogging!"

About to be pwned during a game " Oh, No! We're Bogging!"
by kurt906 June 23, 2009
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Yesterday, during bogging, an elderly gentleman was hammering his balls against my windscreen.
by BoggingMySon June 23, 2009
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adj. unhip, outre, five-minutes-ago
Those pants are bogging awful. My father has a pair just like them
by jaymo June 25, 2003
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