Bikram is a cute and good looking south asian kid who knows how to make you laugh. They're usually, but end up growing. Bikrams are known for their hidden intelligence, but they rarely use it. They're also athletic and good in many sports. They're the friend most people need. They're there for you, they make you laugh all the time, and they got your back. Bikrams are just amazing..
by hughjanus78 November 3, 2020
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1. Someone who doesn't know how to make tea.
2. An ardent fan of the Manchester United Football Club.
3. Someone who can be sold in exchange for rum. (Bik means 'to sell' in Hindi)
1. Your tea's so milky! are u some kind of a bikram?!
2. All the bikrams were ecstatic about winning the nineteenth title of the EPL.
3. Lets bikram that man out and get sloshed!
by bus wanker here! June 13, 2011
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1. To ejaculate an absurd amount
2. Reaction to seeing something awesome, or an unbelievably hot girl
Guy 1: Dude, I saw that smoking hot Persian chick at the gym. I had to go home and change because I bikrammed in my pants.
by Bikram Over Baghdad October 2, 2012
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The person who use to be tiger befor marriage and cat after the marriage
My friend is a Bikram.
by Sam2002 June 21, 2011
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A magnificent character form the epic tale Bikram-Betal
Look at that dude he is a Bikram!
by tomnelson June 22, 2011
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A guy that is absolutely the shittest, worst fucking fortnite player in the history of shitness
Hey do you want to play fortnite with me?
No Bikram you shit at the fucking game
by Steven Jobbyson November 7, 2018
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the god and basketball. Is smart and love with some one is in love with a hot girl. Handsome and getss pussy all day and is good at drawing
bikram so good at basketball and gets all the girls
by noahisabitch March 29, 2017
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