The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms: A law-enforcement and regulatory agency of the federal government. The BATF is alleged to have abused its power in dealing with lawful gun owners, using needlessly excessive force, wrongfully confiscating legal firearms, and violating the Fourth Amendment right of the people to be secure in their persons and their homes against unreasonable searches and seizures. A Congressman from Michigan aptly described BATF as "jackbooted American fascists" (see the Congressional Record for February 1995, at
The BATF and FBI were responsible for the raid on the Branch Davidian complex that sadly resulted in the Waco Texas Massacre.
by flood control dam #3 March 22, 2007
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Burn All Toddlers First. A dark reference to the deaths of many children, subsequent to an ill-conceived attack on a church commune by federal forces at Waco, TX. in 1993.
To hell with the Bill Of Rights, three cheers for the BATF!
by GewehrWolf April 3, 2007
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Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives aka ATF

Most people often refer them as ATF but criminal call them BATFE to avoid attention
Gun nut 1 : the BATFE consfiscated my RPG7 man.
Gun nut 2 : Fuck those fascist commie. It is our right to bear amrs !
by commie pig November 12, 2017
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