The term used to describe the ingestion or consumption of alcohol via the bum hole. This process drastically increases the effects of alcohol, and is incredibly dangerous.
I only have a two ounce bottle of rum to drink tonight, guess i'm gonna have to do Aners.
by Shitchard Billington February 24, 2011
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The anal penetrator of anal sex. Someone who gives anal sex. One who anes (see ane_.
What is wrong with that aner, he's always sleeping around.

I need an aner for the night.

Care to be my aner?
by Yuby Hoo May 27, 2008
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Having an intense, violent, and nasty seizure, causing people to think you are insane. The symptoms of having an anerism are: Wild gargling voice pitches, muscle spasms, bone bending, loss of bladder control, and licking your forehead. If you experience any of these symptoms, get a doctor.... fast,
*Girl flipping out after getting dumped* Boy: holy crap are you having an Anerism?
by Iaintnoniggaimmawhigganigga October 21, 2012
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a cuter version of the word "adorable," dropping the hard "d" sound.
that fuzzy little kitten is so anerable!
by johnny dollar March 24, 2006
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Someone with massive erectile disfunction and ball cancer, usually from getting no bitches. They are usually fat fucks who eat more than a small African village and shits out boulders. There moms usually gets taken turns on and heavily molested , they commonly have more siblings for that reason.
That guy is an Aner for sure!
by urmomknowsmylength January 20, 2022
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Stop being such an aner, Dan.
Ouch, right in the aner.
by Dr. Doug Turkeydick February 5, 2023
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