1. Someone that you ice cold chill with
2. My nigga
Me and the nigga there go way back he is my ace boon coon
by GQDreAmeR January 13, 2005
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Your dawg, homeboy, homegirl. Someone who your mad cool with.
Where you been girl? We used to be ace boon coon!
by Regina Holcombe January 25, 2009
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noun phrase

A very good friend; best friend (Black to black and male to male)
I like the guy, but he's not what you would call my ace boon coon
by P.M.V. October 12, 2014
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Soon David and "Scottster" are "ace boon coons," as my mother used to say, golfing together and making plans for joint ventures in computer programming.
by Delbosco October 14, 2021
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