Number of minutes in a non-leap year. Made famous by Jonathan Larson in his Tony Award winning musical, RENT.
Those past 525,600 minutes went by quickly.
by antiXcore May 28, 2006
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the actual number of minutes in a year, as made famous by the hit musical RENT.

365 days x 24 (hours in a day) = 8760 hours
8760 hours x 60 (minutes) = 525,600 minutes.

In 525,600 minutes,
How do you measure a year in the life?

How about love? How about love?
How about love? Measure in love...
by timeflies June 14, 2009
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The correct number of minutes in a common year. Calendar years end on exact days. The earths orbital year is roughly 365.25 days.

A leap year, which makes up for the quarter of a day dropped off of a common year, has 527,040 minutes.
365 days *24 hours *60 minutes = 525,600 minutes

366 days *24 hours *60 minutes = 527,040 minutes
by sudonimpho September 26, 2012
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The number of minutes in a year.
five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in the life?
by freefallin525 March 21, 2005
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The incorrect number of minutes in a year, made famous by the musical Rent. The logic to this phrase is done with the equasion: 60 (minutes) X 24 (hours) = 1440 (hours in a day). 1440 (hours in a day) X 365 (days in a year) = 525,600 (minutes in a year) HOWEVER, this is using the incorrect idea that there are exactly 365 days in a year. The actual number of days in a year is 365.2422, or about 364 and a fourth days. SO, if we redo the equasion, we come out with
1440 X 365.2422 = 525948.768. Therefore, the actual number of minutes in a year is 525948.768
525,600 minutes-how do you measure, measure a year? Not like that Rent, not like that.
by The Information Correcter June 22, 2009
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The incorrect amount of minutes in a year. Made famous by the musical Rent. The actual amount of minutes in a year is 525948.48.
525,600 minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?
by That Guy Who Pwns June 7, 2009
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