Brearley school girls are intelligent, hardworking and usually sacrifice breakfast and sleep for that A on an essay or project. Although sometimes a bit disheveled on appearances, they clean up well as proven by the admission of one of their alumni into America's Next Top Model. The Chapin girls often boast that they are "hot" when compared to Brearley girls, but Brearley girls have the brains that ultimately matter most. Chapin girls marry doctors. Brearley girls become the doctors.
Kim Stolz, a Brearley graduate, made it onto America's Next Top Model. If Chapin girls think they're hot, why aren't they one the show? Wait, they're airheads, that's why.
by Tai Jin October 11, 2006
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An all girls school on the Upper East Side known for having the most lesbians, hence the mascot: the brearley beavers. That's also the name of their newspaper.
Chapin girls marry doctors, Spence girls date married doctors, Brearley girls become gynaecologists.
by urbsdicks October 10, 2010
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The Brearley School is where smart, HOT girls go to. It's kind of dramatic, and gossip-y, but no one's complaining. It's the only real all-girls private school, where every girl actually has a's pretty incredible. Brearley girls have all the hot boys, have all the smarts, the attitude, the looks, and the privilages. They're hardworking and never afraid to speak their mind. They're also crazy, and know how to seriously paarty! Sorry, to anyone who disagrees, I'd hate to infuriate you, but it's the truth. Basically, Brearley kicks ass.
If you see a Chapin girl, you'll know it, because you will see a transvestite with hair all over his/her body. If you see a girl that goes to The Brearley school, you can tell because they will be poised, and absolutely gorgeous.
by I'm Bringing October 12, 2007
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The BEST all-girls private school in the city, where all the rich, hot, and smart girls go. yeah, a few don't have lives, but the majority know just about every kid the interschool because they know how to socialize, party, and get their work done while buying the best stuff in the stores. in all aspects, brearley girls are better than chapin girls. chapin is 1 block away from brearley. its an OK school, but not even close to brearley.
If a girl from The Brearley School and a Chapin are walking down East End Avenue, you'll know which one is which because: 1) the brearley girl will have a nice navy blue skirt, while the chapin girl will have an ugly green skirt. 2) the brearley will be clustered with a group of hot, rich girls while the chapin girl will be alone except for the boy who she's making out with. 3) the chapin girl will look like a slut
by brearleyrox February 11, 2010
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david brearley middle/high school is a bad school that is full of a bunch of bum ass teachers and bum ass students who don’t know how to use their fucking legs and walk. not to mention the food is absolute S H I T. the halls always smell like ripped ass . this school j smells like ass every single day. it’s probably coming from that moldy ass food these old ass lunch ladies find outta the trash can and feed us
“bro did u smell that? “

smell what?
“it smells like david brearley


“this food is so bad it’s something david brearley would serve
by Angelina Calello March 29, 2022
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A widely renowned private all-girls school in NYC. It has OK athletic teams and OK academics. It's also known for having the prissiest girls in the city.
Brearley: "Lyk OMG!!! Lets go to TIFFANY'S!!!!"
HoT cHIcK 1: "Ugh, she is so spoiled. Let's get lost."
HoT cHIck 2: "Yeah, for real. I told you the girls from the brearley school have a stank attitude."
by Chapin Chix March 20, 2008
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A widely renowned private all-girls school in NYC. It has good athletic teams and OK academics. It's also known for having the prissiest girls in the city.
Brearley: "Lyk OMG!!! Lets go to TIFFANY'S!!!!"
HoT cHIcK 1: "Ugh, she is so spoiled. Let's get lost."
HoT cHIck 2: "Yeah, for real. I told you the girls from the brearley school have a stank attitude."
by Chapin Chix March 20, 2008
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