A way to text ok without sounding like you may be mad
Person1 "Sorry I can't hang out today"
by Twooof April 25, 2019
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shorter way of saying okie (a cute way of saying okay)
person: don't talk to my bro dude. ok?
person 2: oki
by urmumslilpot December 6, 2016
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Word commonly used during chat conversations, implemented when the person that uses it:
1. Does not have anything more inteligent to say.
2. does not want to go along with the conversation or the stream of thought.
3. It is tired of the other person and just wants the recepient to shut up.
4. A simple way of ending a conversation.
User: hey what is up?
Recepient: alright, I had a long day, I had to work extra hours in this project, and the people in my office are driving me insane.
User: oki
by path5gu March 12, 2010
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a really retarded way of saying ok, because children think its cute. Whoever says "oki" is a certified 8 year old. It's plain annoying to many people.
Me: yo Ian watch out for that poo over there.
Ian: OKI
my head: tf he just say?
by Purewaterdrinking September 7, 2018
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its actually a blackenese man with three testicles to be exact
by african January 10, 2005
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tastes horrible
this broccili tastes like oki
by Jeff November 8, 2003
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A cute word for saying okay.
friend: hey wanna come over and hang out?
you: okie! :)
by Pinkiistar June 18, 2013
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