Hello with an asian accent.
Herro? is marc there?
by Andy June 11, 2003
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A common greeting sweeping the world wide web. Similar to hello, but with an asian accent, makes anyone just want to hug and kiss it. Its precious.
Me: Herro my good friend.
Aki: Tank you come again.
by AmyTheChills October 5, 2004
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Form of greeting by people of asian descent who have newly immigrated to America and no speaky engrish. Usually accompanied by a peace sign or awkward wave.
Herro, I rove you.
by redman2011 April 29, 2011
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A racial epithet originating from Trey Parker & Matt Stone's "Team America: World Police". At first applied to North Koreans; the slang can easily be applied to most Asian people due to an inherent lack of the ability to pronounce the letter "L". A great use of multi-tasking racism is to say "herrrro" when you see someone driving in poor fashion. It is hilarious to see that almost every time you do it - you will end up passing them, or pulling up next to them. Sure enough it will be a glasses-wearing Chinamen.
Herro? Herrrrrro? Where the fuck did you learn to drive?

Oh, I see. It was in China.
by EnglishPride March 9, 2008
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A racist word used by us English speaking people to mock Asians in how they speak.
English guy: herro
Asian guy: your racist
by miss my niwwa911 March 20, 2019
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Form of greeting by people of asian descent who have newly immigrated to America and no speaky engrish. Usually accompanied by a peace sign or awkward wave.
Herro, I rove you.
by redman2011 April 29, 2011
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