"Look at this scary fundamentalist Web site. I can't believe that anyone would say such things and mean them." "They don't. It's obviously a pisstake."
by Doctor Whom November 15, 2005
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A word used to describe something that was so utterly poor or pathetic that its just a total joke
That test we did was a pisstake
Havin a fight with yous a pisstake mate
by gandy $0 May 3, 2005
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An adjective describing something which is ridiculously easy.
That exam was a pisstake.
by Furtzy April 28, 2010
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Pisstake has become a common word of description in south Manchester for something that is of quality.
"Checkout da new bud dude!"
by RyanFrancis June 21, 2004
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literally someone who takes the piss, i.e. someone who mocks something or somebody
I can't stand him, he is such a pisstaker!
by Paolo Rossi March 25, 2008
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literally someone who takes the piss, i.e. someone who mock something or somebody
I can't stand him, he is such a pisstaker!
by Paolo Rossi March 25, 2008
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