Something you call a lazy person, or someone who sleeps in all the time.
*Sokka once again grumbles.*
Toph: Sorry snoozles, we'll do our earthbending as quietly as we can.
by Midnight Sparkle February 20, 2012
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(1) To noozle someone sleepily, or when snuggled closely and trying to fall asleep.

See also noozle
(1) Mary climbed into bed wearily, snoozled Ted, and then promptly fell asleep.
(2) The infant gave Mary a little snoozle and fell asleep in her arms.
by Roberto Olivares February 21, 2006
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When a man tries to fuck a woman with a flaccid dick so it's awkwardly stuffed into her pussy. It's like putting a string cheese back in its wrapper.
I snoozled the shit out of some bitch last night... It was casual.
by Kitty Vagina July 10, 2011
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To snuggle and snooze at the same time:

A) Can be the equivalent of spooning

B) Snoozing from both sides, front and back, the penis may be inserted
Late sunday afternoon me and my gal snoozled for about three hours.

Man I was snoozling and I woke up inside my wife
by PatrickWashington_NA February 17, 2013
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An incriment of time, ususally in minutes, used to define how long your alarm clock will go off again after you hit the snooze button.
by Tall_Dave February 27, 2006
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