4 definitions by yarnspinnererer

Hopeless and/or incompetent on the guitar.

Alternatively, characterized by fruitless optimism that one's offspring will practice the instrument as scheduled.
Stepmother: You should set up a specific time to practice every day so that people don't hear you play and think you are guitarded.

23-year-old son, still living at home: You want me to schedule my muse!?! That's guitarded!
by yarnspinnererer October 1, 2010
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When you have to write a paper but have very little to say, so you pad the final copy by installing ridiculously wide margins that make your meager text spill over to a larger number of pages.
Dude 1: What am I gonna do!?! I'm supposed to have six pages by three o'clock for this forestry paper I'm writing, but all's I can manage is two and a half, man.

Dude 2: Did you Courier New it like I taught ya?

Dude 1: 'Course. I'm not a complete fool, though I did forget to consider the Margin of Air - that always works!
by yarnspinnererer March 27, 2011
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Adjective used to describe a concept or skill that does not require the IQ of Albert Einstein to master or relate.

Also used to describe an individual whose public persona is intellectually sub-par.
Her grasp of foreign policy was uberly non-stein.

That candidate just proved that her IQ is totally non-stein.
by yarnspinnererer October 20, 2010
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You May Quote Me - When you've written passionately about something on social media and you don't mind if someone else wants to lift your words for a post of their own or for any kind of promotion such as a t-shirt or a petition.
That candidate was for me before he knew me. YMQM.
by yarnspinnererer August 14, 2015
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