47 definitions by star8706

An electronic box that sits in the corner of your living room which emits moving pictures and sound when turned on. Also TV, idiot box.
"We bought a new television yesterday."
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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1. (Stands for Home Box Office) A pay cable/satellite channel offering movies, original series, and sporting events. It was launched by the Time-Life Publishing Company in 1971.

2. In African-American slang, means help a brother out.
1. I like to watch the Sopranos and Sex In The City on HBO.

2. HBO and get the cash.
by star8706 June 27, 2003
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A place that seems to get further and further away as humans' scientific knowledge improves.
About 100 years ago, Heaven was right above our heads. Then, when we started flying airplanes, it wasn't there, so it was moved right above the atmosphere. Finally, when we sent people into outer space and to the moon, it wasn't there either, so now Heaven is way past Pluto somewhere.
by star8706 November 8, 2003
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A line from Led Zeppelin's "Stairway To Heaven", and since no one really knows what that song means, no one really knows what "all that glitters is gold" means either.
by star8706 September 28, 2003
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A film and TV company who's logo is a winged-horse known as Pegasus.
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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A sorry, lame film production company (1982-1999) under Columbia Pictures. Now this crap is released under "Screen Gems."
"TriStar Pictures sucks!"
by star8706 February 2, 2003
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