5 definitions by rodeo

v. To make a run to Taco Bell for a grande combo, the best thing ever.
Dude, I got the munchies. Let's make a grande run.
by rodeo September 14, 2005
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when someone uses too much saliva when rolling a joint.
Okay Jeff, you fucked that up bad. Look at it! It's a total chooba!
by rodeo September 14, 2005
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v. to have the urge to nibble on chips or crackers.
Fuck man, just eat you're damn food, stop chibbling on those chips.
by rodeo September 14, 2005
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a person who is suspected of smoking marijuana.
Man, my parents found my pipe. I'm definatly a sensei suspect now.
by rodeo September 14, 2005
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a rip from a pipe, bong or joint that is especially good.
Holy crap dude, that last hit was a complete manson.
by rodeo September 14, 2005
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