114 definitions by john doe

yo man si you don't hablas spanish estás out!!
by john doe December 7, 2003
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hey, it's Barhole
by john doe March 11, 2004
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Holy shit she just called me, shell wtfmao!
by john doe February 22, 2005
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Barvaz Barvaz Barvaz`
by john doe January 11, 2005
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Barvaz Barvaz Barvaz
by john doe January 11, 2005
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Thrill Kill was a PSX game so gory, bloody and violent that it was banned a few days after it came out.
He illegally had Thrill Kill because it was banned from North America
by john doe January 4, 2005
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one of the best users ever. on par with people like Kiv, Aaron...but not final(he smells >_>). Is possibly in love with Shan. >_>
Minotaur rocks, no denying it.
by john doe December 31, 2004
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