10 definitions by joesk84ever

Short for sassy hispanic. A loud trash-talking Hispanic man or women.
Pedro: Did you hear Yolanda cussin out your boy the other day?!

Carlos: Holmes that was just her Saspanic commin out!
by joesk84ever May 3, 2011
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Able to understand, and to do what your told.
First seen on reality cop show.
Cop,"Are you gonna give us trouble?"
Drunk "gangsta", "I'm legit son, and compremendable"
by joesk84ever June 24, 2009
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A skater that knows the history, background and development of every trick that is being done.
Skater# 1- "That is a sick frontside-ollie air your pulling on the big wall!"

Skater# 2- "Actually it is a Cabellariel invented by Steve Caballero back in 1984. He landed the first one at Del Mar Skate Ranch in the Prom- AM that year. He was skating against...."

Skater # 1- "You're a regular tricklopedia aren't you?"
by joesk84ever January 5, 2010
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