2 definitions by jimmy107315

A rare form of lolabear originally found in the desert, and or in the deep sea. People use this expression as one when surprise of being excited. This phrase is commonly used in southern Africa, however it is becomming extremely popular in the United Kingdom.
Ebz: Guess what!

Arom: What?

I just found 1000 pounds!

Aron Tommylola!!!

Ebz: I know its so Lola!
by jimmy107315 July 3, 2010
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Icba2day means: i cant be arsed to do anything, phonetically spelt: I - see - bea - ay - too - dee - ay, widley used in modernised western countries yet becoming increasing popular in southern Asia and Scotland. The word is usually spoken as an impulsive - spare of the moment expression.
Aron: Do you want to do anything today?

Ebz: Icba2day really!, I'm so tired from last night!

Aron: Haha ok then, I'll ask Dammy to go out!
by jimmy107315 August 9, 2010
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