10 definitions by jamie pheloney

After she hit the glass dick she was so loopy she was spun drunk.
by jamie pheloney April 9, 2005
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A girl that likes methamphetamines and sex so much that she spends the majority of her time in front of the mirror applying layer after layer of makeup so she will look good for sex.
My tweaker slut roomate was in the bathroom for eight hours yesterday putting on makeup.
by jamie pheloney April 9, 2005
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what needs to be done to an empty pipe.
My pipe is empty it needs a fillups.
by jamie pheloney April 9, 2005
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When a parolee does not check in with his parole officer or abide by the conditions of his parole and is sent back to prison over and over as a result.
Johnny has been incarcerated five times in five years this is called recidivism.
by jamie pheloney April 9, 2005
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A male slut also known as a slut with a cock.
That slock has five babies and four baby's mammas.
by jamie pheloney April 9, 2005
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