4 definitions by ilovejesus

The Lord and Savior of the world. I wish all of those who mock him on this site eventually find what he was and what he said was all true...
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever believes in him shall not die but have eternal life." - John 3:16
by ilovejesus September 22, 2004
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A person who has an enormous penis, all the girls want them, has nice lucious hair and is extremely good at hockey and his lucky number is 9
"Be careful around griff daddy he's a heart breaker"
by ilovejesus March 6, 2017
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Short little boy that looks too young for his age that when he walks into bars at 18 he'll need his Id on the go, Gavin doesn't respond properly to girls so if you send Gavin a HUGE paragraph you'll get an "ok cool" so you better not talk to a Gavin
Don't mess with Gavin.
I'm gonna gavin it.
by ilovejesus August 22, 2017
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