4 definitions by hoot rider

An attempt to pass wind without making noise when in a seated position by leaning to one side while tensing one butt-cheek.
I had to fart in court so I busted the one cheek sneak.
by hoot rider November 19, 2009
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I ate a burrito for lunch and I've been droppin' bass all day. Whew! Good lord, who dropped bass?
by hoot rider November 19, 2009
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An area of unkempt pubic hair that has grown haggard and bushy through neglect.
She had Wookie-Bush so bad, I lost my damn keys in her Whisker Bisquit!
by hoot rider November 1, 2017
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A severe hang-over resulting in the inability to engage in physical activity other than smoking bowls, watching tv, playing video games, or listening to music.
We raged hard last night, I can't skate today, I'm strictly Turf Lounge.
by hoot rider November 1, 2017
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