11 definitions by elley chaos

One of the most sexual words ever. Not because of it's meaning or anything, just...say it with me, outloud..."strrrrookkke"
Stroke is one of those words that's on the top part of the "Very Sexual Words For Literature Dorks Like Me" list...along with "friction"...and "promiscuous"
by elley chaos May 25, 2003
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The state of being sexually attracted to males, females, transexuals, transgenders, intersexes (hermaphroditic), transvestites, androgynes, etc...

Kind of like being bisexual, except bi only refers to two sexes.
I'm as pansexual as they get.
by elley chaos April 25, 2003
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The highly addictive message board for the coolest people in the world. We are superior to anything and everything else.
ATNW is cooler than your mom.
by elley chaos April 25, 2003
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