2 definitions by clutchy

When friends or family members cause you not be able to play casino slots.
How much money did you win in Vegas?
i couldn't even gamble because my husband was being a slotblock!
by clutchy March 12, 2014
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Online acronym, lingo for 'Internal Giggle'.

Term was created to insert realism and counter the effects of using *lol* and *lmao* too loosely when in fact most people are not actually laughing out loud or laughing their asses off but simply having an internal giggle.
Kate via IM: How was your day today.

John via IM: Fell flat on my ass today while doing a fake Karate Kid roundhouse kick yelling "Wax on, wax off". Epic fail.

Kate via IM: *ig*
by clutchy February 20, 2010
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