4 definitions by clgdswr

individual whom uses saran wrap and bacon fat to master their own domain
$3.95 12 pack of bacon
$5.95 1 roll of saran wrap

20 minutes of bacurbation with a mega happy ending-----------------------------PRICELESS
by clgdswr December 4, 2010
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a new method of wall climbing, involving a horizontal wall and 6 willing females. The willing participants lay 3x3 (3 on left and 3 on right) on their backs with legs wide open. The wall climber than inserts 4 fingers into each handhold(vagina) and pulls himself forward. You can then turn 180 degrees and pull yourself the other direction. Repeat as desired
Hey ladies, wanna go build me a clam ladder?
by clgdswr October 1, 2011
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tight jeans, two testicles bulging out each side of the crotch seem
Yo that fat guy has bamel toe and frankly it is making me nauseous.
by clgdswr October 18, 2011
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Donnie would like to store his little gerbil in Scotts hampster cage
by clgdswr August 29, 2009
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