11 definitions by binsurfer

Font consisting of mostly usless characters of cars, boats, etc. Mostly used when the user is bored to tears of the monotony of work or when clip art is not sufficient. Selected by a consfusing array of key strokes its is now the main stay of many geeky emails and people trying to be alternative.

not to be confused with wing chun
Watch out for that bloke he's a Wingding martial artist
by binsurfer December 11, 2003
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Place where the elite student fraternity can 'mix with the locals' hence their insistance at pushing to the fron of queues, being obnoxious, thinking they are the first people to get arseholed by drinkng more than 2 pints of Stella.
Situtated north of London the Council has been forward thinking in its provision of gerneral amenitites , that is if your a student, on the benefits or an O.A.P. The architecture remains just as it did 300 years ago which is when most of the council members where born.
Many people can enjoy nights out, standing six deep at the bar waiting to get served because the lack of any real decent drinking establishments.
"hey shall we go clubbing in Cambridge?" "Fuck that, lets go to Newmarket and start a fight with some jockeys"
by binsurfer December 11, 2003
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A collections of particulate matter, smoke, dust of gas that is visible. Usual term for large mass of visible gaseous water vapour in the earths atmosphere.
Depending on drug consumption may turn into various animals, historical figures, vampires and kitchen cutlery
"Fuck me that cloud looks just like Count dracula!".. "You mean the cloud next to the one that looks like weapons of mass destruction ???"
by binsurfer December 11, 2003
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Found in (or around) washing machines and tumble driers
Thought to be genetically modified , highley evolved organism. Although never actually sighted evidence points to its habits and breediung cycle. A voracious predator the sock monster preys on single socks always leaving behind one of the pair it has captured. Mystery surrounds this behaviour although zoologists surmise this may be an instinctual mechanism for long term survival. Able to cross great distances at speed and unseen there is almost no known method of defense.

Currently there is a research program to capture one and study its life cycle to provide some relief. The only known fact is sock monster numbers are proportional the number of people in residence at one location.
1 person = 1 monster, rare sock predation, victim is able to carry on normal life
2 persons = 2 monsters, infreqent predation
3 persons = 3 monsters, increased predation, victims are rarely able to find socks
4 persons = 4 monsters, forget it , no known cure, no socks at all for anyone
by binsurfer December 11, 2003
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