87 definitions by bigtones

A pretty fair test IF you prepare accordingly for it.
I studied for 4 months and got a 1310. Hooray for me!!!
by bigtones December 9, 2004
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Nerds are stronger than all others because after years of ridicule, they still come on top.
by bigtones August 31, 2004
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The only British person who actually sounds cool when he speaks.
You can't get much smoother than "The name's Bond. James Bond."
by bigtones September 26, 2004
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Self-styled masters of the universe. Usually young, white, and graduates of preppy schools. They have no morals.
Fuck all stockbrokers, cuz they're so eager to steal money from real hard-working Americans.
by bigtones December 12, 2004
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A great visionary storyteller, and the man who created Star Wars. Lately, he's been too influenced by the money and the technology involved in filmmaking, rather than the story of the prequels. That's why the new movies suffer.
I think of him as Darth Lucas.
by bigtones October 7, 2004
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