1 definition by Wadsworth Longfellow Cummings

Originally a common bumper sticker across the Midwest claiming "Don't Californiacate Colorado!"- fornicate being the verb pertaining to coitus, or in intended translation "don't screw<fuck>up Colorado the way they have California". The context was to stop the migration of people (and culture) from California to Colorado, thus eliminating the growing problem of political activists/extremists, the general point of view Californian's have (hyper left-wing views). Colorado had existed as a state even before California did- they had their own culture, views and ways to accomplish tasks and didn't need anymore people from California "illuminating" their so called problems/deficiencies even though it was only the Californians who viewed it that way-Coloradans were fine with the way things were.
As viewed on the television show South Park- where the smugness of Californian people(and their perceived ignorance, naivety and over-all self importance/self promotion or smugness) caused an epic natural disaster thereby adversely affecting many other states and peoples residing within.
Don't Californiacate <insert state here>!!!

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