2 definitions by The_Paper

It is one step further of your common SJW (Social Justice Warrior). This specimen is actually going after your family and whatnot until all of them are dead. While the original SJW only works on the internet, this SJW 2.0 is ruining everything in your life off- and online in a sustainable way. Your life ends now. Beware of the wrath of god, the SJW (Social Jews 'n Wuzlims) will get you. This is also a warning when you enter one of the many Middle Eastern countries at the border.
Watch your tongue you infidel. If you say anything against Quran, Islam or Allah, Punishment will be done.

"What is wrong with this religious freak? Careful, he is a Wuz. What is a Wuz? That's short for SJW (Social Jews 'n Wuzlims)."
by The_Paper October 27, 2017
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It's more than rivalry. It's more than Ash and Gary from Pokemon.
It's more than Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter.

It's an aggressive clashing of eternal friends in a competition which could nearly destroy the world but because of overusing it, the world is now used to get destroyed everytime so it takes less time to get back to the original form.

Top notch rivalry in brutal ultra deluxe.

Opponent, competitor or such pussy words can't describe the Überness of this new word.
No example. If there are two best friends who really like to beat the shit out of each other, you can call that eternal rivalment. Because they will never learn out of the situation.
by The_Paper October 11, 2010
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