1 definition by TheSheepWhisperer

Fikenvinos is a premium quality Norwegian wine.

Deemed by most vine-makers to be of too high quality for mass production, henceforth Fikenvinos is only made in a remote valley somewhere along the west coast of Norway.
The creator of this sublime concoction is only talked about in hush whispers, rumored to be a mother of 3 and the owner of a farm, but nobody knows for certain.

Because of Fikenvinos' superb reputation, and rarity it has now become a word used for describing a really stellar wine. Of course no wine can even come close to being as great as Fikenvinos, but it's still a nice gesture.
Use 1: I demand more Fikenvinos this instant!

Use 2: Hi Jon Arne, have you tasted this vine? It's almost like Fikenvinos!
by TheSheepWhisperer May 25, 2012
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